God's Will - Perfect

Scripture Reading - Romans 12:1-2 KJV

1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

In our last two lessons we discussed the “Will of God”. Notice according to verse 1 that you must first think about your body being a sacrifice unto God to even consider doing “God’s Will”. The battle every Christian must fight is not doing their own will over “God’s Will”. This is why the scriptures admonishes us to make the sacrifice first so we can always conclude “God’s Will” has priority over man’s will, including doing your own will upon this earth. In the lasts lesson we emphasized “God’s Acceptable Will” being done by His children whenever they do the things that are “pleasing” in His Sight. Yes, being born-again tops the list and walking by faith is a close second along with many other things that “please the Lord”. In today’s lesson we will also study “God’s Will”. However, we will take the final step-up unto doing“God’s Perfect Will” which could be known as doing exactly what the Lord desires for you to do concerning your life and the expression of His Godliness. Letting your light shine so to speak. In the Old Testament we see God’s general will for all mankind in the book of Genesis. We can understand how God worked with man for fellowship and development of all good things upon the earth. However, as we progressed in the Old Testament we could see more intervention from God to perform mighty acts including miracles for men as men learned how to walk by faith which pleased the Lord. It said, “The more one can please the Lord by doing His Word the more potential there is for God to show Himself strong on their behalf by doing His Mighty Acts upon the earth.” However, the majority of saints in the Old Testament never really fully understood the “Perfect Will of God”. Now as we are living in the New Testament establish upon better promises we clearly understand that “Jesus Christ is God’s Perfect Will” for all mankind. Some people could say as long as I keep the law I should be able to make God’s Heaven but that is not the way anymore because Jesus said in John 14:6 KJV. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Therefore trying to follow God’s Previous Will won’t work when Jesus came on the scene expressing God’s new will for all those upon the earth who desire to draw near (closer) to God. Now (today) the rejection of Jesus means the rejection of God. Likewise the acceptance of Jesus means the acceptance of God, our Heavenly Father and His Precious Holy Spirit. We start with Jesus when discussing “God’s Perfect Will” solely because our Lord Jesus was the perfect example of doing “God’s Perfect Will” from the heart all the days of His life upon the earth. What we really like about God’s Word is that it paints us a true picture of the temptations facing all men upon the earth. Surely, if Jesus was tempted and overcame we too can expect temptation with overcoming help (grace, mercy and strength) from the Lord Himself. Yes, the Mighty Lord Jesus has overcome all sin’s so He is the Perfect Mediator from Heaven who lived upon this earth to help any person overcome the traps and snares of the evil one. When we purpose in heart and deed to follow God’s Will for us every day we are doing “God’s Perfect Will” for our life. Some people make the common mistake of thinking “God’s Perfect Will” can only be reached by the few super saints who are mighty ministers of God. They think that God looks at the good deeds of those in the fivefold ministry as being more spiritual so they qualify for “God’s Perfect Will”. We (ihlcc) don’t believe it that way. No, God is always with you and doing “His Perfect Will” isn’t as much about your position and rank with God but rather the closeness of your heart-beat when matched with God Heart. What we are saying is that you can be a young Christian and operate in the “Perfect Will of God” just as easily as being a church elder walking in “God’s Perfect Will”. Again, we desire for all believers to clearly understand doing “God’s Perfect Will” is not based upon your title or position with God but rather the closeness of your fellowship with God. We have grown to understand that doing “God’s Perfect Will” is not an event but rather a lifestyle that is conducive to holiness and godliness. This basically means doing Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV which states, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Yes, it is that simple it is all a matter of choice. We make the daily decision to follow God each day of our life while He promises to keep us and train us and bless us as we bless others during the day. Now we will admit we have heard it taught it takes time to get into “God’s Perfect Will” concerning the ministry He has for you because there is a training process to fulfill and watching how God worked with King David we can accept this testimony as truth for many individuals because we know even Jesus didn’t step into full time ministry until a set time was revealed. However, with that being said, don’t think that you can’t do what God’s calling you to do because your season for ministry is not come yet. No, Dear Faith Friend, whatsoever God is asking of you today you can do with Jesus help. Amen! So please don’t look for a specific date or time to minister to another but rather start wherever you are knowing with God’s guidance and grace He will see you through simply because you are walking in “God’s Perfect Will” for that moment which is the timeframe for now faith is, because there is no better time to obey God outside of now. So be a blessing to God, yourself and others by purposing to obey “God’s Perfect Will” as it is revealed to you. Just take one step at a time and when you look over your life (your walk with God) you will be surprised to see just how many days you walked in the “perfect will of God” with God your Father and your Lord Jesus Christ in all joy and confidence because God is always with you and He will never forsake you or fail you, even until the end of the age. Just remember doing “God’s Perfect Will” is spending enough time in perfect fellowship with God to know clearly what He requires of you. Yes, you alone, not your friends and family. Amen!